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Apple iWatch Reviews Are In, And….

That reviews are in and it is not good news for the new Apple Watch. Complaint from across the Internet seem to be that the watch is too intrusive, always buzzing or Tapping on your arm when new notifications come in from emails, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. To fiddly, difficult to open new apps and shut down things like alarms and suggestions you need doll hands to select the item you need from the front screen. Bad battery life, even with basic use, you know like telling the time, checking emails on its minuscule screen and maybe even... 

Some of the Best Cycling Gadgets

Cycling, primarily is a great mean of transportation for short distances, and it is also a well-established sport. Bicycles were pioneered in the 19th century whose number exceeded one billion across the world. The revival of biking in this era is due to its eminent benefits over the conventional motor vehicles spreading pollutants and contaminating the environment. On the other hand, these cycling vehicles are accountable for reduction in traffic clustering. Due to the exponential increase in the cycling technique worldwide and the technological... 

Weirdest Gadgets of 2015

The availability and usage of a variety of new gadgets prove that the world has entered the era of internet. A brief description of some of the weirdest gadgets of 2015 is given below. Parrot Pot Parrot pot is actually a plant pot which is used to water the plants. It is very easy to use. For this purpose, you have to connect the Parrot Pot to a Parrot water system that automatically waters the plants. It also measures the ambient temperature, the moisture of the soil, light levels and fertilizer amount. Netatmo Welcome HD Smart Home Camera The... 

Launch of Lenovo A7000

Lenovo is a Chinese multinational company which designs and manufactures tablets, smart phones, personal computers, electronic storage devices, IT management software, notebooks, printers, scanners and smart televisions. It sells its products to almost 160 different countries of the world. The headquarters of this computer technology company can be found in Beijing, China as well as in North Carolina, Morrisville and United States. This company entered in the smartphone market in 2012 and in 2014, it became the largest smartphone supplier company... 

This Year’s Best Gaming Laptops

We live in an era where technology is manoeuvring the world in a new and creative way. This technology has helped in elaborating the meaning of entertainment and enjoyment by taking them to a whole new level. These techno- miracles include gaming laptops with the latest graphics, massive and high definition displays, and solely built keyboards in terms of machinery. Moreover, these laptops are mostly expensive, heavier in weight, and power consuming. These laptops are specially designed for the purpose of gaming for passionate gamers. We are here... 

Galaxy s5 vs iPhone 5

The Samsung Galaxy s5 was launched globally on 27th April and has already sold more than 10 million units, making it the fastest selling Android phone in history. That rate of adoption, running at 4 per second, is almost double that of the hugely popular HTC One. But how does it compare to the hipsters favourite Apple’s iPhone 5? For starters, the fifth version of the Apple fondle slab has sold over 56 million units, although it took two months for Apple to get to just over 5 million iPhones sold, a number that took Samsung less than 2... 

Changing My Password Turned My iPad Into a Brick!

iPad I have a confession to make, I have an iPad. The reason that is so hard for me to admit is I am a techie, someone that knows their way around IT. I have been a Microsoft Certified Engineer since the NT 4 days and am even certified on the early versions of Novell. As we all know, iPads, and most Apple products are designed for, shall we say, not so “IT literate experts”, so it is with some disappointment that I had to spend an hour researching a problem with my iPad. The problem? I changed my password for my email account. A task many... 

Apple: “We are sorry” No seriously we are, stop laughing.

After losing their appeal to a previously lost judgement, Apple have had to publish an apology, of sorts, to Samsung for saying they had stole their ideas, specifically they are required to publish the lost judgement on their front page. You can read the full “apology” here, in a page that is completely lacking of Apple logos or Apple branding. If you just stumbled upon the page you would have no idea that you were on the Apple site, until you checked the URL. The link to the details of judgement is down the very bottom of the UK Apple front... 

What Are The Top Ten Antivirus Software?

Antivirus software is a critical component in PC and server protection, but which product provides the best virus protection? That’s a tough question, McAfee reports that there were 75,000 new Malware signatures detected in the first three months of 2012, and that they currently have over 80 million malware signatures in the their Antivirus database and it is likely to hit the 100 million mark this year. If you are getting 75k new malware signatures a day, the important part of any virus protection software is its ability to keep up to date... 

IE 7 Users Get Hit By Idiot Tax

Kogan.com announced last week that they will be adding an extra tax on Internet Explorer 7 users that want to purchase products from their website. The logic being that they have to put in extra development effort to make IE7 display the pages in a consistent format. Internet Explorer 7 has been around since October 2006 and is considered by most web developers as being a black sheep when it comes to compliance to international web standards. Any user wanting to purchasing product from the Kogan website will be charged an extra 6.8% of the product... 
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