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“Next-Gen AV” Gets Owned by Security Researcher.

It seems the so called “Next-Gen AV” companies can be a little sensitive. A security researcher and red teamer, Curtis Brazzell, was practicing his skills against one of these so called next-gen Anti-Virus products, trying to bypass their built in protections to either shut down the AV service or stop it from being useful. After popping a shell on the box he wanted to use what tools he had available to him locally to bypass the protections. Running as Admin he was unsuccessful in stopping the service, so elevated his privileges to... 

Best Practice Cybersecurity

Nowadays, operations that tend to take place on a daily basis within the IT industry are complex, compulsive and just simply kind of overwhelming. And where it might be easier to pull off within a small company, the more employees that are forced to execute these tasks – the more the little things matter. And as 2018 is sweeping us off our feet, we have to understand that the threats of today’s high risk environment means that the seriousness about your Cybersecurity protocol within your company is more important than ever. And yes,... 

Google to Update Trusted HTTPS Certificates

Hundreds of thousands of sites will realize that they have been essentially somewhat “blacklisted” on Google Chrome as an unsafe site, if they do not switch out to a new “trusted” HTTPS certificate before mid-April arrives. Back in last September, Google had decided to stop trusting Symantec issued TLS/SSL certificates and in the coming months, Google Chrome users visting those sites that have a certificate from the cybersecurity firm issued either before the 1st of June 2016 or after the 1st of December 2017 will be issued... 

Internet of Things – Cyber Security Apocalypse

As 2018 has already started zooming past us, we remember that in the past few years cyber security has been raised as an important issue because of the most talked about hacking events that have haunted us such as WannaCry, the Equifax security breach and the huge Target massacre which ended up with client information being compromised. Everybody that uses and is a fan of technology must be thankful for cyber security, and now that technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives – people should also be absorbing some knowledge about it... 

Huge NSA-exploit born botnet turns to mining cryptocurrency

Cyber hackers are coming up with more and more cryptocurrency mining malware and someone has spread their malware using the EternalBlue exploit which was developed by the infamous NSA (this is the same exploit method used to spread the WannaCry ransomware attack that occurred months ago). Over half a million Windows computers have now been forced to mine the virtual currency and is probably going to end up being very profitable for the cyber criminal. It’s almost as if that majority of people benefiting from this cryptocurrency bubble is... 

China Cracks Down on Unauthorized VPNs

For years and years, China has had it’s own cyber-great-wall-of-china deemed the “Great Firewall” and news to add to the wall comes recently out of China sending out a warning that they will start banning the use and stop the use of unauthorized VPNs on the 1st of April 2018. And no, this isn’t an April fools joke. Despite the powerful and strong stance, China doesn’t seem to want to make a big deal out of their intent by saying that if anyone wants to create a VPN service can always do it by going through the government’s... 

Best Laptops for Cyber Security

Being in Cyber Security for 20 years, before it was all the rage, I often get asked, what is the best laptop for cyber security, you know, the one that is less likely to get hacked? You want to be able to do online banking, or store your Cryptocoins without the worry of it getting hacked and someone stealing all your dosh. There is a pretty simple answer, Linux Laptops or MAC. Here is the reason I say that, there just isn’t much malware out there for Linux or MAC, don’t get me wrong, it exists, but it is very difficult to get infected.... 

Pirate Bay Flooded with Hackers Trying to Hack You

Skull Skeleton Flag Pirates Symbol Pirate Ship The Pirate Bay is one of the biggest torrent sites for piraters of all kinds to gather and share their torrents from games, to movies, to cracked programs and more. The Pirate Bay has always had discussions about the legality of copy right and certain viewpoints of file sharing and more recently has become a platform for an anti-copyright political initiative. After being chased aruond with several domain shutdowns and countless seizures, they are still running in 2018. Now while all The Pirate bay... 

Cybersecurity Workers are Getting Paid!

Robert Walters has just recently come out with its new annual 2018 Salary Survey. According to the survey, cybersecurity experts are most likely going to experience a 7% increase in salary within the 2018 year. Not only is the raise quite significant, it is actually the biggest wage raise within the IT professional scene – claimed Robert Walters. The increase across all roles in the IT sector is an estimated average of 2%. Included in some of the higher raise increases, infrastructure experts and developers will experience an estimated raise... 

China Caught Red Handed Spying on African Union!

After reports out of Africa on how the Chinese government had been spying on the African Union’s headquarters based within Addis Abada had spread, China has responded by calling the report “preposterous” and “very difficult to understand” all while strongly dismissing the “absurd” report. All of this was brought to surface before the 2018 AU Summit, a twice yearly meeting which was being held within the AU headquarters built by the Chinese as a “gift” to their “Friends of Africa”... 
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