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Students Speak About Steubenville High School Rape on Video

Yesterday we reported on the alleged rape of a 16yr old girl from Steubenville High School. KnightSec an offshoot of the hacktivist group Anonymous have declared war on the alleged rapists. Today a VERY disturbing video has come to light on the Local Leaks website, shared on Vimeo, where students are discussing the alleged rape. Michael Colin Nodianos essentially admits to the Rape. WARNING! The content is VERY disturbing and our heart can only go out to the young victim, and we ask again today, WHY HAVE MORE PEOPLE NOT BEEN CHARGED?  Read More »

Hacker Justice Against Alleged Rapists

The hacker collective KnightSec initiated an attack, dubbed Operation Roll Red Roll (#OpRollRedRoll), on an Ohio High School Football Team’s fan website after the alleged gang rape of a 16-year-old girl by the team’s players. Last weekend, the Steubenville High School’s website was taken down and replaced with a modified webpage and a video of KnightSec’s formal demand for a public apology on behalf of the 16-year-old victim. KnightSec, a faction of the Internet activists group Anonymous, threaten to release the personal... 

FAIL! Computer Says No!

Reports out of the US election, voters using electronic voting booths with touch screens that tried to vote for the incumbent President Obama are forced to vote for Romney! See the video below: The user taking the video reports, via Reddit, that he is a software developer by trade, so when he saw the problem immediately went in to troubleshooting mode. He attempted to select Obama, the computer selected Romney, he selected Romney, the computer selected Romney. He thought it might be a calibration error so decided to select the candidate below Obama,... 

Apple: “We are sorry” No seriously we are, stop laughing.

After losing their appeal to a previously lost judgement, Apple have had to publish an apology, of sorts, to Samsung for saying they had stole their ideas, specifically they are required to publish the lost judgement on their front page. You can read the full “apology” here, in a page that is completely lacking of Apple logos or Apple branding. If you just stumbled upon the page you would have no idea that you were on the Apple site, until you checked the URL. The link to the details of judgement is down the very bottom of the UK Apple front... 

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow!

Back in the fifties everyone had an idea of what the ”World of Tomorrow” would look like, some of the concepts were not far off, for example we do have mono rails, and Under Ground rail, but alas no personal flying transport. According to the people of yesterday we should be living in the sea, maybe they knew more about global warming than we knew, and they thought we should have colonised the moon by now, to be fair Richard Branson is making some strides in the right direction on that one. Below are some images of Vintage Tech, and how the... 

Early Flicker Bitch Slaps Anonymous

A French firm has taken a swipe at Anonymous by applying for a trademark on everything unique about the hacking group. Early Flicker has registered the Anonymous headless man backed by a globe image and the Anonymous slogan “Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us”, with the National Institute of Industrial Property in France. This theoretically would allow the French firm to produce and sell merchandising with the logo and slogan throughout the European Union. Not surprisingly the Anonymous boys (ahem) and Girls,... 

Future Hackers Get Laid?

An interesting concept video from the boys over at Sight Systems. The video takes the concept of on eye; possibly via contact lenses, display to a level that might be the nature evolution of the Google Glasses. We see actors portray the daily life of a future being that has access to technology on the go, including full access to the web and home technology. The marriage of Augmented Reality and extensive computing power on the video is very enticing. You could argue that as you now have answers to any question you can think of at the tip of your,... 

The Best Game Play and Trailers of E3 2012

E3 is done and dusted for another year. But what a year it has been with huge announcements and brilliant new game trailers and game play released. We have picked the best of E3 2012 and included videos of the visually stunning game play. There are 10 games on the list, but the release of Nintendo Wii U also makes our list and takes our total Top Ten to Eleven! Let us know if we missed any good ones in the comments below and we will update the article. 11: Resident Evil 6 Originally slated for worldwide release on November 20th this year, it’s... 

Russian Beauty Goes Viral

During the TV broadcast of the EURO 2012 game between Russian and Czech Republic, the camera cut to the crowd and focused on a stunner. Clearly a Russian supporter, with the local flag painted on her face, Elia, (the name of the shy girl who was quickly located by ubiquitous journalists), was watching her team winning, Russia being 2-1 up at the time, when she caught her image on the big screen. What followed was a smile, and an act of shyness, that has gone viral. At the time of writing the Youtube video had over 1.4 million views! Check it out... 

Microsoft’s New Tablet is Pretty

Microsoft has announced a new tablet, they are stealing the name from their other product the Surface, which was previously a large table top touch screen. Don’t tell anybody, but the new Surface tablet is downright pretty. Check out the video below, which currently has over 1.8million views on YouTube. A unique feature is the ability to “flip out” a stand, so that it gets some support when sitting on the table. It comes with a detachable, super thin keyboard , which will come in different colours to allow you to customise your version... 
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