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SonaVault Email Archiving Software Review & Ratings
Nowadays business communication is pretty much exclusively via email, I mean who uses a phone, or Skype or heaven forbid a fax? pretty much no one. In fact the last survey on business communication came down at over 90% of business communication is done via email, the phone was a distant second with less than 5% and WebEx or Webinars coming in third at 3%.
So protecting your email is a pretty critical function in this day and age, especially when content is likely to be highly sensitive, valuable or just business critical. With that in mind regular...
Galaxy s5 vs iPhone 5
The Samsung Galaxy s5 was launched globally on 27th April and has already sold more than 10 million units, making it the fastest selling Android phone in history. That rate of adoption, running at 4 per second, is almost double that of the hugely popular HTC One.
But how does it compare to the hipsters favourite Apple’s iPhone 5? For starters, the fifth version of the Apple fondle slab has sold over 56 million units, although it took two months for Apple to get to just over 5 million iPhones sold, a number that took Samsung less than 2...
Splunk Still Flying High
Back in March 2012 Splunk I reported that Splunk had listed and made huge gains in its share price. At the time the shares hit a high of $35.48, valuing the company at over $3 billion, better than a lot of the traditional security vendors of the time.
I have to be honest, I didn’t think they were worth that kind of money, their revenue was not that great and they were struggling to hit the right note in the Security log management market, which was the major driver back then. Well what the hell do I know? Apparently nothing, the current...
Amorous Couple Caught on Google Street View
A young lady that likes to frequent the back alleys of Manchester was caught on Googles Street View handing (ahem) out a handie to a punter/boyfriend.
The randy couple did not seem to be too bothered about the approaching cars, with neither the man pulling up his trousers to protect his modesty or the woman letting go of the gentleman’s member as the Google camera car approached.
The pictures, taken along Temperance Street, Manchester, UK, is meters away from main arterial routes and within a few minutes’ walk of Manchester Piccadilly...
The Perfect Game of Snake!
The following GIF is making the rounds, a perfect game of snake. It has been sped up to complete in just under three minutes.
Some are claiming that it was a computer playing the computer, other saying the original game was slowed down so slow that the perfect game was possible.
Either way, it is mesmerizing, enjoy.
Perfect Snake Game
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The Top Eight Places You Are Playing Mobile Games (eewww)
By the nature of being mobile, we are no longer confined to our living rooms or bedrooms to play games. EA Games in conjunction with PopCap, the company EA Games paid $1.3billion dollars for, have spent a lot of time understanding where we are when playing these mobile games.
And it is an interesting read:
#8 – At Social Gatherings
14.7% of us will play our mobile games at social gatherings, well lets be honest it’s better than talking to girls, who obviously have cooties.
#7 – While Shopping
15% of us will play our mobile games while out...
First Ever Website Rides Again!
The first Web Address, with a Hyper Text Markup page was http://info.cern.ch. Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML as it is now known, along with the Hyper Text Transport Protocol, Web Server and Web Browser, was invented by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee, back in 1989, while working at CERN.
At the time people were surfing using Gopher a protocol oriented towards a menu-document design and WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers) a basic text searching system. Gopher was essentially a competitor to Hyper Text Transport Protocol, developed at the...
Riot Rocks an Impressive Event!
This week has seen the boys and girls at Riot Games put on a world class event with the Season 3 Finals of League of Legends in Los Angeles. The week started at Culver Studios, where European champions Fnatic took on North American seed champions Cloud 9 Kingston HyperX.
The Culver Studios location was very intimate and very cool, with only 300 odd people allowed in the event, but because of the size and setup of the studio the atmosphere was brilliant! I much preferred this location to the Galan Center, which was much larger and had a lot less...
Cool Technology to Fight Child Abuse
The Spanish organisation Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk Foundation (ANAR) have come up with a very innovative way to get their message across to their target audience. The advert uses lenticular printing, resulting in a different ad depending on your perspective. The shorter people of the world, children and adolescents, see a different target message than the taller (adults) of the world.
The adult version shows a young lad, about 10-12 years old with a normal face unharmed, however from a child’s perspective they see a child with...
Hotmail Down!
Reports from users across the web that hotmail.com and outlook.com are down. Currently the services have been offline for around 15 minutes.
This doesn’t bode well for large cloud installation, when one of the biggest, and up til now most respected services on the web goes down. Critical infrastructure failure, such as power or phone lines would normally have a regional impact, but huge cloud providers like Microsoft now impact millions of customers.
The major browsers are saying you should not trust the hotmail site, as the DNS entry is...