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Two Lawyers Sanctioned for Citing Fake Cases Created by AI Chatbot

In a landmark decision, a New York judge has sanctioned two lawyers for citing fake cases that were created by the AI chatbot ChatGPT. The lawyers, Peter LoDuca and Steven Schwartz, had asked ChatGPT for examples of past cases to include in their legal filings, and the bot just made up some previous proceedings. The lawyers then slotted those made-up cases into their legal filings and submitted them to the court. The judge, Kevin Castel, found that the lawyers had “abandoned their responsibilities” and had “acted in bad faith”... 

AWS Relational Databases are a Game Changer

Let’s be honest, databases are a pain in the butt. First you need to install them on a Server, which needs to be managed, patched and secured, then you need to install the database, that needs to be managed, patched, secured, backed up and restored. The amount of clients I have worked for over the years that have been brought to their knees with the management of their databases estate is countless. The industry standard is to estimate the yearly cost of managing a database for your application is 2.5 times the development cost. So if your... 

Global Hack Attack Only Makes $16k, It Makes You WannaCry!

Yesterday’s global WannaCry Ransomware attack made it’s authors a grand total of $16800, a total of 46 victims paying up the required $300 for unencrypting their data. Transactions can be monitored via the Bitcoin accounts that hackers wanted payments sent to. There were three bitcoin accounts associated with the hack: https://blockchain.info/address/12t9YDPgwueZ9NyMgw519p7AA8isjr6SMw https://blockchain.info/address/13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 https://blockchain.info/address/115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn The attack was accidentally... 

Why Anti-Virus is so Useless

Times are a changing. Once a upon a time your security was all about a decent Firewall and some Anti-Virus and you were good to go. Yeah, not so much any more. Signature based Anti-Virus, as a tool to protect you from infection, is pretty much useless in this day and age. Why, because hackers and the techniques they use to infect you have evolved. Back in the day if you spotted a new bit Malware you could create a signature, essentially a SHA1, that would allow you to detect the Malware and allow you to block the infection. The challenge now-a-days... 

The Best Anti-Virus to Protect You When Online!

I use to work for an Anti-Virus company, I still work for a large american security vendor, so I know the troubles you can get in to when online. The bad guys want to get a Trojan or Malware on to your PC, so they can steal your bank details, steal your PayPal details or use your machine to commit fraud around the globe. There is some good news and bad news, the good news is there are a couple of things you can do to protect yourself, as described below, the bad news is they are pretty determined. The current going rate for you PayPal details on... 

The Truth About Mobile Malware!

A Toxic Hell Stew of Vulnerabilities The above quote was made by Tim Cook at last years Apple developers conference in regards to the Android operating system. He went on to say that 99% of all Mobile Malware was produced for, and operated on Android. Having come from a threat research background I can tell you he is not to far wrong. But…. There are lies, damn lies and then, there are statistics. If you just limit your view to a portion of the statistics you could easily conclude the Android is indeed “a toxic hell stew of vulnerabilities”,... 

Owned! Your Computers Belong to Us.

Legbacore Presenation The boys Xeno Kovah and Corey Kallenberg, regulars at the major security conferences, gave a presentation at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver this past week, on how to hack BIOSes. Xeno and Corey, previously of MITRE (you know the non-profit organization that manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) supporting the DOD, the FAA, the IRS, the DHS, and NIST) fame, have gone out on their own at LegbaCore. Their first major bit of research is a working proof of concept of owning BIOS Chips... 

Next Gen SOC to Protect Our Boys in the Field

Dr Kevin Jones & Ben Parish It has been announced today that Airbus Group Innovations has been awarded a major contract by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), as part of their Cyber Situational Awareness research project. The project goal is to develop and mature a Virtual Cyber Centre of Operations (VCCO), that will allow military decision makers to call on experts anywhere around the world to help deal with cyber situations. The research will assist in the development and design of a next generation Security Operations... 

Stuxnet – Cyber War

One of the first Cyber Weapons that has been talked about from any nation was Stuxnet. The Israelis and Americans came out of the closet to admit that they had an active cyber offensive program and that “Yes” they had created Stuxnet to put the Iranian nuclear program behind schedule. What I find interesting about this admission, is not that they admit to having an active cyber offensive program, I expected that, but to admit that you created a cyber weapon, that used several zero day critical vulnerabilities that could be used against... 

Kaspersky Says “No!”

Kaspersky Anti-Virus users today were waking up to no internet! An update from the Anti-Virus vendor cut off internet access for users. Presumably with no Internet access your risk profile was significantly improved, however users were none too happy to find they could not check in to Facebook to see what the Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend was up to. The update seemed to impact the web anti-virus component of the Kaspersky suite. In an update from Kaspersky they stated that the issue was caused by a database update at 8:52pm on Feb 4th, Moscow time. They... 
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