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Next-Gen Crypto? Owned!
The Next Generation of Cryptography is the 923bit pairing-based cryptography and should take approximately several hundred thousand years to crack. Therefore government agencies across the globe, along with large multi-nationals are adopting the new standard.
In fact it took less than 149 days. Fujitsu Laboratories said on Monday it has successfully cracked the next-gen crypto. Working with Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Kyushu University, Fujitsu was able to complete a cryptanalysis...
Russian Beauty Goes Viral
During the TV broadcast of the EURO 2012 game between Russian and Czech Republic, the camera cut to the crowd and focused on a stunner.
Clearly a Russian supporter, with the local flag painted on her face, Elia, (the name of the shy girl who was quickly located by ubiquitous journalists), was watching her team winning, Russia being 2-1 up at the time, when she caught her image on the big screen.
What followed was a smile, and an act of shyness, that has gone viral. At the time of writing the Youtube video had over 1.4 million views!
Check it out...
Ex-Anonymous Hacker Leaks Card holder Details
An ex Member of the Anonymous Hacking Group, Jeremy, aka Reckz0r released a number of private user details to the web, purportedly hacked from banks across the globe. Reckz0r claims the data dump is a small portion of over 50gb of data he has hacked from 79 banks he has been targeting for 3 months.
Reckz0r claims to be a hacktivist that has been hacking since 2002. Originally creating hacking scripts with Python, he decided to join the hacking group Anonymous. “I decided to be a part of Anonymous, I decided to fight for freedom, against the...
Hacked Games Get Fragged!
Rockstar the maker of a number of huge game franchises, including Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto V (one of the top ten games of all time) and Max Payne 3, announced that they are coming down hard on the cheaters.
The miscreants (their word, not ours), will be isolated in to a cheaters world, where they can fight the other cheaters at their leisure. “Anyone discovered to have utilised hacked saves, modded video games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined...
Security Essentials
I have been in the IT Security industry for over dozen years, before Facebook was popular, before Amazon was popular and even before Google was popular. Over the years the definition of what is secure has changed. It use to be install an Anti-Virus product and you are good to go. But now days as the internet become a must have we need to understand what security is essential for a safe browsing environment and what we can live without.
IT Security is different for the individual than it is for an enterprise, however a hacking script scanning the...
Gaming Killed the Video Star – Top Ten Grossing Games Ever
To gamers it will come as no surprise that the industry is huge! I mean really big. A new game can out sell a movie blockbuster, and when you consider a blockbuster movie can now easily cost $200m to make, you can see why there is a huge investment in new games.
Time Warner’s “The Dark Knight” took in $238.6 million in its first week in U.S. theaters. The Avengers took $260+ million. How does that compare to games?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold a whopping 12m copies in its first week, a total of $738m in revenue in its first...
SOCA Socks a Scammer
Jay Moore
The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) today sent down four scammer behind the Freshshop website. The main character was Jay Moore, pictured, who set up the identity and financial data trading website.
SOCA raided the Gloucestershire home of 21 year old Moore to discover a web farm serving request for stolen financial data. It was discovered the website had credit card details of over 340,000 people. The estimated financial lost to the general population was conservatively calculated at USD$40m.
When captured Moore had over a USD$265k...
Flame On!
An ill wind is blowing. It use to be that we needed to be afraid of the script kiddies trying to penetrate our networks, then we needed to worry about the organised hackers, teaching each other their latest exploits, such as Cult of the Dead Cow, Anonymous or Lulz, but now we have sailed in to dangerous waters.
Over the last few months we are seeing a lot more state sponsored activity. First it was Stuxnet, then Duqu and now the latest FLAME!
Kaspersky Lab has discovered a new Worm/Trojan that they have code named Flame, and named within their Anti-Virus...
Anonymous Dishes Out Some Justice
Hackers calming to be part of the Anonymous hacking group dumped over 1.7GB of data slurped from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics.
The data seems to be a collection of data from databases and emails from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/), which is responsible for publishing national crime statistics.
The dump is part of the Monday Mail Mayhem (#MondayMailMayhem or #MMM) operation that Anonymous has attempted to instigate for a few weeks, driving people to make it a regular Monday event. Presumably on a Monday to...
Tango Down : Hacker Sent Down for 12 Months for Breaking in to Facebook Account
A 21 year old male from West Sussex, United Kingdom was jailed on the 16th May after hacking in to a private Facebook account. Gareth Crosskey was sentenced after an investigation by the Met Police Central e-Crime Unit.
The Police Central e-Crime Unit is a national unit created to respond to serious incidents of cyber crime in the UK and forms part of the government’s response to cyber threats, under the National Cyber Security Program.
Crosskey was charged and pleaded guilty under Section 1 and Section 3 of the Computers Misuse Act 1990. The...