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Google to Update Trusted HTTPS Certificates

Hundreds of thousands of sites will realize that they have been essentially somewhat “blacklisted” on Google Chrome as an unsafe site, if they do not switch out to a new “trusted” HTTPS certificate before mid-April arrives. Back in last September, Google had decided to stop trusting Symantec issued TLS/SSL certificates and in the coming months, Google Chrome users visting those sites that have a certificate from the cybersecurity firm issued either before the 1st of June 2016 or after the 1st of December 2017 will be issued... 

Twitch Rollout Shockingly Bad Guidelines

Twitch.tv announced this week that they would be rolling out some updates to their sexual content and anti-harassment guidelines due to submitted user feedback that their rules were not equal between streamers and had too many blurred lines. While I completely I agree that was the case with the old guidelines, these new changes are honestly just straight out horrendous. A little bit of change of behavior from the now, Amazon-owned company as they finally confess that they may have been “too slow to act” with updating the guidelines... 

Elite North Korean Hackers Steal $500 Million Cryptocurrency

Another day, more craptocurrency going missing and cryptocrazies going even crazier. And it gets even more unsurprising as it is very possible that the culprits could be from none other than North Korea. If the allegations are accurate, this could be the 3rd North Korean responsible attack on craptocurrencies in just a few months. South Korea’s National Intelligence Service was quoted saying “Last year, North Korea sent phishing emails to cryptocurrency exchanges and members of those exchanges and stole the passwords of a significant... 

DuckDuckGo’s CEO calls out Facebook and Google

Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and founder of search engine, DuckDuckGo published an article last month where he made a very bold statement against two tech giants, Google and Facebook. Weinberg says “It’s time to make them stop” toward both of the tech giants in regards to their stances on privacy. He is quoted saying “Google and Facebook’s impact on our privacy cannot be understated.” and “76 percent of websites now contain hidden Google trackers, and 24 percent have hidden Facebook trackers, according to one... 

Facebook Leaking Users!

At Q4 2017, last week Facebook reveled that in it’s whole companies’ history that they had lost one million users in North America, in the USA and Canada – which led to the total user base of that region to a small 184 million. Personally, I’m impressed but I’m also conflicted. I’m impressed that people were actually bothered to care about their usage of Facebook and surprised they think that it’s going to make any difference to the tech giant or to their own personal privacy success. Facebook still saw... 

Nvidia Share Price Gets Crushed as Bitcoin Heads Towards Zero

Nvidia share price has been crushed in the last five trading days, down a total of 15%. After hitting an all time high of $248 dollars on Jan 31st, it is now down to $213. Nvidia has been a stock pickers darling for the last few years as it GPU cards have been a critical component to mine Cryptocurrency. Gamers from around the globe have complained that they were unable to get their hands on the most powerful graphics cards as cryptominers around the globe sucked up all free stock. The Nvidia QUADRO GP100, which has over 3500 CUDA cores, with... 

Early Facebook & Google supporters turn on the two tech giants

Ex-employees that use to work at Google and Facebook during the companies early days are coming out with how alarmed they are in regards to the usage of social networks and smartphones, and with how their overuse may have some negative effects. They are coming together to go against the industry’s top companies which they got off the ground, many years ago. Center for Humane Technology is what the collaboration of workers is going under as they create a union. They have also teamed up with a non-profit media watchdog group by the name of... 

China Cracks Down on Unauthorized VPNs

For years and years, China has had it’s own cyber-great-wall-of-china deemed the “Great Firewall” and news to add to the wall comes recently out of China sending out a warning that they will start banning the use and stop the use of unauthorized VPNs on the 1st of April 2018. And no, this isn’t an April fools joke. Despite the powerful and strong stance, China doesn’t seem to want to make a big deal out of their intent by saying that if anyone wants to create a VPN service can always do it by going through the government’s... 

Fridge Attack – Hackers Use it to Mine Bitcoin!

It’s 2018 folks, where everything has to be high-tech and the internet of things grows by the day. And where there is IoT, there is malware. Cyber criminals can use your smart home appliances and turn them into craptocurrency miners. First world problems, am I right? Cybersecurity expert and VP of tactical analysis for Stratfor, Scott Stewart said that homes with a high amount of IoT appliances could be at a high risk. Just imagine, your toaster, oven, washing machine, dryer AND fridge – all being hijacked for their processing power... 

Craptocurrency Bubble is Bursting!

Every morning I wake up to see that the down part of this hill, is well… still continuing. With fluctuations still up to $1,000 USD a day the world’s grand and mighty craptocurrency has finally had its bubble burst within the last few weeks and began its crash into the ground (hopefully on fire). With a Christmas special, peaking around at just $19,000 ish USD per coin it has absolutely plummeted to numbers in the $8,000 dollar range and it is just still going down as I speak. With being down more than 50 percent in a single month,... 
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