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Changing My Password Turned My iPad Into a Brick!

iPad I have a confession to make, I have an iPad. The reason that is so hard for me to admit is I am a techie, someone that knows their way around IT. I have been a Microsoft Certified Engineer since the NT 4 days and am even certified on the early versions of Novell. As we all know, iPads, and most Apple products are designed for, shall we say, not so “IT literate experts”, so it is with some disappointment that I had to spend an hour researching a problem with my iPad. The problem? I changed my password for my email account. A task many... 

Future Hackers Get Laid?

An interesting concept video from the boys over at Sight Systems. The video takes the concept of on eye; possibly via contact lenses, display to a level that might be the nature evolution of the Google Glasses. We see actors portray the daily life of a future being that has access to technology on the go, including full access to the web and home technology. The marriage of Augmented Reality and extensive computing power on the video is very enticing. You could argue that as you now have answers to any question you can think of at the tip of your,... 

Another US Government Site Hacked!

The US Government is not having a good time of it. After earlier in the week having the FBI hacked, they now have the U.S Navy and Department of Homeland Security websites hacked by a blind SQL injection. A group calling themselves “Digital-corruption” hacked into domains of both sites and leaked database information on to the popular hacking dumping ground, pastebin. The leaked data came from two websites, www.smartwebmove.navsup.navy.mil and twicinformation.tsa.dhs.gov and consisted of a database dump of usernames, passwords, email... 

IE 7 Users Get Hit By Idiot Tax

Kogan.com announced last week that they will be adding an extra tax on Internet Explorer 7 users that want to purchase products from their website. The logic being that they have to put in extra development effort to make IE7 display the pages in a consistent format. Internet Explorer 7 has been around since October 2006 and is considered by most web developers as being a black sheep when it comes to compliance to international web standards. Any user wanting to purchasing product from the Kogan website will be charged an extra 6.8% of the product... 

It’s War! Cyber War!

What would a country do if another nation was to initiate a first strike against it, an attack against their critical infrastructure, for example, the country’s ports, or rail or airports? Surely as a minimum you would declare war against the striking nation? Well America, it seems, in conjunction with possibly Israel, have struck not once, not twice, but, if we believe what is in the press, three times against Iran’s critical national infrastructure. The first strike was Duqu, designed to collect information on Iranian nuclear infrastructure,... 

Unhackable Websites – The future?

Artemis , a San Francisco based Internet Security specialist organisation plans to secure the web. They have applied for .secure top level domain name via the ICANN TLD Process, in the hope to provide a secure part of the Internet. Alex Stamos, Artemis CTO, states, “We are creating a safe neighbourhood where you know people follow the rules and you can rely on them to do things securely” To be part of the .secure domain you will need to evidence that you have applied appropriate security controls to your web environment. The idea is, if you... 

2012, The End of the Internet for 350,000!

Come July 9th this year 350,000 unsuspecting victims of the DNS Changer Malware will lose their ability to find websites on the internet. Unbeknown to the victims they were infected by the Malware which set about making significant changes to their systems. Changes included disabling Anti-Virus updates to stop the Malware from being detected, but more importantly the Malware changed Domain Name server settings. This meant that when a user submitted a request in their browser address line, to go to say, “Google.com” the request would be submitted... 

You Are Under Attack!

In November 2011 at the Cyber Security Summit, Major General Jonathan Shaw stated that Government computer systems come under daily attack, I know this to be true, as, at the same conference I gave a seminar, titled: You are under attack!”. You would be surprised at how many organisations believe that hacking and cyber attacks are not relevant to them. What I can tell you is, if you have a connection to the internet, you are under attack, every single day, just like the government organisations. One of my favourite websites is Detect Defend,... 

Super Powers go to War! (Cyber War)

The Guardian reports that the world’s biggest super powers China and the US have engaged in Cyber Wars on two separate occasions in 2011. The goal was to ensure that each country understood the capability of the other, in a bid to prevent military escalation between the two countries if either felt they were being targeted. The war games were organised through Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and a Beijing think-tank, the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations under a concept known as “Track... 
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