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Next Gen SOC to Protect Our Boys in the Field

Dr Kevin Jones & Ben Parish It has been announced today that Airbus Group Innovations has been awarded a major contract by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), as part of their Cyber Situational Awareness research project. The project goal is to develop and mature a Virtual Cyber Centre of Operations (VCCO), that will allow military decision makers to call on experts anywhere around the world to help deal with cyber situations. The research will assist in the development and design of a next generation Security Operations... 

Best Books to Learn Malware Analysis & Intrusion Detection

I currently work for Trend Micro, one of the top three Anti-Virus vendors in the market. In fact in Japan we have something like 70% market share and are also by far the favourite AV product in Germany and Iceland. We fight with McAfee and Symantec for the top positions around the rest of the globe. My background has always been security, but previously it was Security Information and Event Management, known as SIEM, and Security Configuration Management, not so much Malware and Trojans. So, I had to get up to speed. I did do an internal course... 

Stuxnet – Cyber War

One of the first Cyber Weapons that has been talked about from any nation was Stuxnet. The Israelis and Americans came out of the closet to admit that they had an active cyber offensive program and that “Yes” they had created Stuxnet to put the Iranian nuclear program behind schedule. What I find interesting about this admission, is not that they admit to having an active cyber offensive program, I expected that, but to admit that you created a cyber weapon, that used several zero day critical vulnerabilities that could be used against... 

Are You a Target for an APT (Advanced Persistent Threat)

In a previous article I explained what an APT looked like. Most organisations I talk to believe they are not likely to be a target of an APT, the logic being that they have nothing of interest that a foreign government would need. It is true certain organisations are more likely to be targeted by a foreign government, other government organisations for example, organisations that make up part of the critical national infrastructure, that would include most banks, oil and energy companies, broadcasters or power generating organisations, however... 

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

One of the big themes of InfoSec 2013 was APT’s. A number of talks specifically targeted (excuse the pun) this topic. The perception is that APT’s are state sponsored attacks, this perception is driven by the cost and resources required to implement this type of attack. The reality is however that if you have digital assets that are worth going after, you are at risk of this type of attacks. For those not in the specific anti-malware/anti-virus industry the definition of an Advanced Persistent Threat is not entirely clear. From... 

How Secure is Your Password?

There have been a lot of recent security breaches in cyber land, including LinkedIn, the FBI and more recently Yahoo. The Yahoo breach included over 400,000 usernames and passwords. While this is bad news for Yahoo, it does give us a chance to analysis the passwords from the 400,000 users and see what insights we can derive. Below is an analysis of the Yahoo passwords. The top ten passwords are a list of the usual suspects with “qwerty,”123456” and good old “password” all appearing again. It is good to see password... 

The Perfect Game of Snake!

The following GIF is making the rounds, a perfect game of snake. It has been sped up to complete in just under three minutes. Some are claiming that it was a computer playing the computer, other saying the original game was slowed down so slow that the perfect game was possible. Either way, it is mesmerizing, enjoy. Perfect Snake Game  Read More »

First Ever Website Rides Again!

The first Web Address, with a Hyper Text Markup page was http://info.cern.ch. Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML as it is now known, along with the Hyper Text Transport Protocol, Web Server and Web Browser, was invented by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee, back in 1989, while working at CERN. At the time people were surfing using Gopher a protocol oriented towards a menu-document design and WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers) a basic text searching system. Gopher was essentially a competitor to Hyper Text Transport Protocol, developed at the... 

Cool Technology to Fight Child Abuse

The Spanish organisation Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk Foundation (ANAR) have come up with a very innovative way to get their message across to their target audience. The advert uses lenticular printing, resulting in a different ad depending on your perspective. The shorter people of the world, children and adolescents, see a different target message than the taller (adults) of the world. The adult version shows a young lad, about 10-12 years old with a normal face unharmed, however from a child’s perspective they see a child with... 

The Changing Threat Landscape

I currently work for a security vendor that has over 25 years of Information Security experience, a significant majority of that experience in the Anti-Malware, Anti-Virus space. Having seen the virus distribution industry (nefarious as it is) grow from a new virus every month to over 100,000 new viruses a day, and the hacking culture morph from a teen hobbyist activity to a full fledge career choice (nefarious as it is); it is fair to say we have seen a lot and we have made it our purpose, for our existence, to understand the evolving threat landscape.... 
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