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ISP to Nark on Piraters!

After finding out about a gigantic cybersecurity flaw in BitTorrent clients scouring the internet, The Pirate Bay is involved in another breaking news story. Bahnhof, a very popular major ISP in Sweden which irronically has been very proud of their management of customer details and how they keep then “private” has now been ordered to hand over the details of those who stream illegally to the police. The ISP has proudly fought off valiantly to protect customers data in the pass and to bring a halt to details being disclosed and even... 

Cybersecurity Workers are Getting Paid!

Robert Walters has just recently come out with its new annual 2018 Salary Survey. According to the survey, cybersecurity experts are most likely going to experience a 7% increase in salary within the 2018 year. Not only is the raise quite significant, it is actually the biggest wage raise within the IT professional scene – claimed Robert Walters. The increase across all roles in the IT sector is an estimated average of 2%. Included in some of the higher raise increases, infrastructure experts and developers will experience an estimated raise... 

Small Businesses at Biggest Risk to Security Vulnerabilities

Over the years, technology has only become more of an essential to every aspect of our lives. At work, home and even now at schools, technology seems to slip its way into almost every corner or what we do on our day to day basis. And as technology becomes more of a fundamental in our lives, more and more businesses try to involve technology in the way they operate. And it is now the small business that are under fire by the constant growing numbers of attacks, solely targeting small businesses. A new report has surfaced which raises statistics... 

700,000 “Bad” Apps Plague Google Play

Android phones have always had a bad rep for having an issue with malicious applications and even having malicious content spread through downloads on the Google Play store and a lot of people have been sitting here thinking that nothing is being done about the situation or that one app is being removed here and there. Well according to the Android product manager, Andrew Ahn – who has recently released a security update on their Android blog which read that over the course of 2017, over 700,000 apps were removed from the Google play store... 

Craptocurrency Bubble Slaughters Gamers

After the soar in popularity of craptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, ThatCoin, ThisCoin etc. people have taken to the extreme of foolishly dropping everything and trying to get in on the ponzi scheme which is craptocurrencies. From people selling their homes, to craptocurrency exchange companies running off with coins (sometimes multiple times under the same company name) and even pole dancers in Australia thinking that this is their rag to riches story – craptocurrency is now affecting innocent people of a community; the... 

China Caught Red Handed Spying on African Union!

After reports out of Africa on how the Chinese government had been spying on the African Union’s headquarters based within Addis Abada had spread, China has responded by calling the report “preposterous” and “very difficult to understand” all while strongly dismissing the “absurd” report. All of this was brought to surface before the 2018 AU Summit, a twice yearly meeting which was being held within the AU headquarters built by the Chinese as a “gift” to their “Friends of Africa”... 

“Autosploit” combines Shodan and Metasploit for Automated remote hosts hunting

Autosploit is a new tool that has only recently been released to the public by “cyber security enthusiast”, “VectorSEC“. It’s obvious that the release of such a tool be a controversy, after all – even legitimate non-automated tools used by noble pentesters and security researchers get enough slack as is, just due to the nature that these tools can be abused and packaged into other “kits” marketed to those with malicious intent. And on the tweet about its release, it is also obvious that people are... 

Iranian leaders Issue Statement on Internet Censorship

After a series of anti-government protests in several cities across Iran, Iranian officials have been busy trying to take online control by censoring and blocking access to several websites and applications over the last few months. Services such as Telegram (access has since been restored) and Instagram were the most recent additions to the pervasive internet control with a confirmed “886 domains” according to OONI. Shortly after the recent blockage of Telegram, Iranians took to the internet under several social media sites expressing... 
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