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“Next-Gen AV” Gets Owned by Security Researcher.

It seems the so called “Next-Gen AV” companies can be a little sensitive. A security researcher and red teamer, Curtis Brazzell, was practicing his skills against one of these so called next-gen Anti-Virus products, trying to bypass their built in protections to either shut down the AV service or stop it from being useful. After popping a shell on the box he wanted to use what tools he had available to him locally to bypass the protections. Running as Admin he was unsuccessful in stopping the service, so elevated his privileges to... 

The Death of League of Legends, a Fallen Hero.

It is with great sorrow that today we can announce the death of a fallen hero, League of Legends, 2009-2018 RIP. In reality of course it is still on life support, still running LCS tournaments, still pulling in the odd viewers and still pulling in some players. But things have changed from the heights of season five, when the League of Legends world finals pulled in over 43 million viewers, with over 15 million concurrent viewers. Compare this to the current LCS summer split viewership where this weekend they struggled to pull in 60,000 viewers. Or... 

Best Practice Cybersecurity

Nowadays, operations that tend to take place on a daily basis within the IT industry are complex, compulsive and just simply kind of overwhelming. And where it might be easier to pull off within a small company, the more employees that are forced to execute these tasks – the more the little things matter. And as 2018 is sweeping us off our feet, we have to understand that the threats of today’s high risk environment means that the seriousness about your Cybersecurity protocol within your company is more important than ever. And yes,... 

North Korean Hackers Turned Cheap Laborers

Despite the many reports and examples of how backwards and behind the current Kim regime in North Korea is, people still love to have this idea that the government secretly has an army of elite hackers with the best gear, hacking all sorts of top-secret country secrets, stealing millions from banks and living a sort of high life. Well, surprise, surprise but it seems as if reality is completely the opposite of what many people seem to want to think. According to North Korean hackers that were sent outside of the country to China to hack away and... 

Hackers Hijack Over 4,000 Websites to Mine Cryptocurrency

As the value of craptocurrency continues to plummet by the day, you might see that the cryptocrazies that invested in this bubble seem to be a bit upset recently. After seeing the rise to the top in the main cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple and Ethereum – unwise suckers ran to their banks to put their life savings and wellbeing into something that is totally stable. But surprise, surprise these so called “investors” are out of money and are out of more by the day. So everyone that has a large part of craptocurrency... 

The Rundown on Why Twitch’s New Policy and Guideline Changes Suck

Live streaming giant, Twitch has recently updated their community guidelines within this last week and they have done it in an ever so bold manner. The changes have been publicly released on their blog and the reactions within the last few days haven’t been so mixed – they have been completely one sided. In a bad way. Twitch begins by saying “Today, we’re sharing an update to our Community Guidelines. This is just the first of many improvements coming to the policies, moderation processes, and safety features on Twitch.”... 

Russian Propaganda Spreads on Twitter

Hundreds of propaganda videos of Russia had views in the millions on Twitter’s other video based service, Vine for many months after it was well known that it was submitted by a troll Russian propaganda group. Russians have always tried to deluge their way into American politics, and this new uncovered story may just be what we need to start thinking about Twitter’s effort to find and pursue such propaganda content and how well they’ve been doing. CNN had to be the ones to bring it to Twitter’s attention themselves, before... 

Google to Update Trusted HTTPS Certificates

Hundreds of thousands of sites will realize that they have been essentially somewhat “blacklisted” on Google Chrome as an unsafe site, if they do not switch out to a new “trusted” HTTPS certificate before mid-April arrives. Back in last September, Google had decided to stop trusting Symantec issued TLS/SSL certificates and in the coming months, Google Chrome users visting those sites that have a certificate from the cybersecurity firm issued either before the 1st of June 2016 or after the 1st of December 2017 will be issued... 

Twitch Rollout Shockingly Bad Guidelines

Twitch.tv announced this week that they would be rolling out some updates to their sexual content and anti-harassment guidelines due to submitted user feedback that their rules were not equal between streamers and had too many blurred lines. While I completely I agree that was the case with the old guidelines, these new changes are honestly just straight out horrendous. A little bit of change of behavior from the now, Amazon-owned company as they finally confess that they may have been “too slow to act” with updating the guidelines... 

iBoot Source Code Leaked onto GitHub

iBoot is the name of an Apple firmware that is present in iDevices such as iPhones and any other iOS operated devices and the confidential source code has recently found itself publish onto someone’s public GitHub repository. The code is an extremely top secret, closed, proprietary, copyrighted and confidential to Apple – however apparently the dear gents on Reddit have been sliding it inbetween each other whom are probably in the cybersecurity industry or just those interested in using it for the likes of jailbreaking for at least,... 
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