Future Tech: Smart Clothes


Apr 28th

Clothes and shoes made solely to enhance our health condition are a thing of presents. They are fitted with all sorts of fitness devices to give us a helping hand on our path towards health. Fitness is a large and growing market. Nowadays, we find smart shoes, T-shirts, pants, suits and more.


Heddoko is a smart shirt that keeps information in 3D. This great smart shirt shows a user if he/she is putting too much pressure on a particular part of their body. The accompanying app keeps track of your overall performance and gives you an opportunity to keep track of your goals. The app will give you feedback regarding your success, plus it will give you information and help with not getting injured. This smart shirt is for those who are hardcore athletes at heart.


This is another product related to health and sports. It is smart shirt which has the possibility to measure breathing rate, heart rate plus it can tell how well you are sleeping and just how intense and difficult your training are. The battery of this device can last up 14 hours, and in addition to all this, Hexoskin is compatible with Android and iOS operating system.

Hexoskin is made of a special fabric (Italian to be exact), and you can wash the shirt in a washing machine. This shirt has an accompanying app which stores all the data and info in order to be able to keep track of your training. The company has made garments for the entire family. You can buy this shirt online from the manufacturer’s website directly. This product is for somebody who is extremely devoted to training and not for someone who trains just a bit.

Ralph Lauren Polo Tech Shirt

This shirt is one great example of smart shirts. The shirt has biosensing silver fibers woven into it the shirt itself. The data (biometric) is stored in an accompanying app and can be reached via tablet or a smartphone. This particular smart shirt can track calories burned and just how intense your workouts are.
The material used in making a shirt of this kind is composed of moisture –wicking compression fabric. This fabric has some special features such as its aid in blood circulation and recovery of the muscles. Like all the products mentioned above, this too is a product intended for hardcore athletes.

Cityzen Sciences and their D-Shirt

This French company has a seven-year experience in producing smart clothes. They are well-known for its D-Shirt. The thing that adorns this smart shirt is micro sensors which are embedded throughout the shirt. These microsensors keep track of heart beat, heart rate, temperature, and they keep track just of just how intense your training are. The company can customize smart clothes for their users. The company has a large database of clients, and they all are very satisfied with the clothes produced by them.


The smart clothes this company makes are certainly of high-quality. Their clothes have all the great abilities to track heartbeat, breathing. This shirt is not bulky, quite the contrary. It is very tight and follows well the lines of your body. If you look closely, you will be able to see a small black bow woven into the shirt itself.
The OMsignal smart shirt has an odor control, plus the moisture control as well. You can wash it in a machine. This particular smart shirt is suitable for someone who is not obsessed with training and would just like to keep track of some vital functions.


The Athos Company is among the companies that produce smart clothes towards some of the major sports teams gravitate to. The fabrics are wrapped knit, and they give the shirt more flexibility and durability. The material is a four-way stretch, thus making it easy for a user to stretch any direction he/she likes. The part of Athos in charge for collection of data is called The Core. The shirt is embedded with 14 sensors which record EMG, and two additional sensors which are in charge for breathing and heart rate. There are no wires anywhere due to it Wi-Fi feature. You can track your progress and goals. In addition to all this, users can see how their muscle groups are doing during some of their training.

All these smart clothing have the same purpose; to make us healthy and to achieve our goals. Some say that smart gadgets will soon become a thing of the past, and smart clothing thing of the present as well as future times. We’ll have to wait and see. Whatever happens will certainly have a positive effect on consumers and help them with their everyday fitness activities. The more gadgets, the better.

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