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Next-Gen Crypto? Owned!

The Next Generation of Cryptography is the 923bit pairing-based cryptography and should take approximately several hundred thousand years to crack. Therefore government agencies across the globe, along with large multi-nationals are adopting the new standard. No. In fact it took less than 149 days. Fujitsu Laboratories said on Monday it has successfully cracked the next-gen crypto. Working with Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Kyushu University, Fujitsu was able to complete a cryptanalysis... 

Hacked Games Get Fragged!

Rockstar the maker of a number of huge game franchises, including Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto V (one of the top ten games of all time) and Max Payne 3, announced that they are coming down hard on the cheaters. The miscreants (their word, not ours), will be isolated in to a cheaters world, where they can fight the other cheaters at their leisure. “Anyone discovered to have utilised hacked saves, modded video games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined... 

IE 7 Users Get Hit By Idiot Tax

Kogan.com announced last week that they will be adding an extra tax on Internet Explorer 7 users that want to purchase products from their website. The logic being that they have to put in extra development effort to make IE7 display the pages in a consistent format. Internet Explorer 7 has been around since October 2006 and is considered by most web developers as being a black sheep when it comes to compliance to international web standards. Any user wanting to purchasing product from the Kogan website will be charged an extra 6.8% of the product... 

The Empire Strikes Back!

There is a new trend in IT security, Active Defence. The name sounds innocuous enough, but in reality it is a pivot point in Information Security. The concept is simple, strike back. When a hacker attacks you, you attack the hacker. Frustrated by the inability for the law to take actions against attackers from across the globe an increasing number of organisations are taking the law in to their own hands by taking retaliatory action. The reprisals have a broad range from delaying and diversion tactics to full on black hat responses. It has been... 

One Giant Leap for Mankind

There have been many great achievements by man over the last sixty years in regards to the final frontier, space. First man in space, 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, first man on the moon, 21 July 1969, Neil Armstrong. But mankind is about to take one further step in its conquest of space, sending its technology out of our solar system in to interstellar space. Voyager 1, launched 5 September 1977 is currently 11 billion miles (18 billion kms) away from Earth, travelling at 38,000 miles per hour (.00005 light speed, 61,000 kms). At that speed it... 

Gaming Killed the Video Star – Top Ten Grossing Games Ever

To gamers it will come as no surprise that the industry is huge! I mean really big. A new game can out sell a movie blockbuster, and when you consider a blockbuster movie can now easily cost $200m to make, you can see why there is a huge investment in new games. Time Warner’s “The Dark Knight” took in $238.6 million in its first week in U.S. theaters. The Avengers took $260+ million. How does that compare to games? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold a whopping 12m copies in its first week, a total of $738m in revenue in its first... 

Splunk Splurges on IPO

Splunk (SPLK), the network analysis tool provider splurged forward on its IPO. The San Fran based company sold shares at $17 apiece, raising $229. 5 million; valuing the company at $1.57 billion. On April 16, Splunk increased the proposed price range for its IPO to $11 to $13 apiece, from a prior target of $8 Kaspersky to $10. The shares have continued to rise throughout the day, ending on its high at over a 108% increase on the day, at $35.48, leaving the current valuation at over $3 billion. A significant premium over one of its key competitor’s... 
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