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Give a Nigerian Prince a Hand?

I am barrister prince ugo a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr Martin,a national of your country, who used to work with shell development company in Nigeria and as well a one time secret agent in transferring of money overseas Before his death On the 21st of April 2007 {my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Badagry Express Road in which all occupants of the motor died}. My client deposited the sum of ($36 Million) in a one of our local Bank here in Nigeria for himself, with the hope of... 

Microsoft’s New Tablet is Pretty

Microsoft has announced a new tablet, they are stealing the name from their other product the Surface, which was previously a large table top touch screen. Don’t tell anybody, but the new Surface tablet is downright pretty. Check out the video below, which currently has over 1.8million views on YouTube. A unique feature is the ability to “flip out” a stand, so that it gets some support when sitting on the table. It comes with a detachable, super thin keyboard , which will come in different colours to allow you to customise your version... 

The Empire Strikes Back!

There is a new trend in IT security, Active Defence. The name sounds innocuous enough, but in reality it is a pivot point in Information Security. The concept is simple, strike back. When a hacker attacks you, you attack the hacker. Frustrated by the inability for the law to take actions against attackers from across the globe an increasing number of organisations are taking the law in to their own hands by taking retaliatory action. The reprisals have a broad range from delaying and diversion tactics to full on black hat responses. It has been... 

One Giant Leap for Mankind

There have been many great achievements by man over the last sixty years in regards to the final frontier, space. First man in space, 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, first man on the moon, 21 July 1969, Neil Armstrong. But mankind is about to take one further step in its conquest of space, sending its technology out of our solar system in to interstellar space. Voyager 1, launched 5 September 1977 is currently 11 billion miles (18 billion kms) away from Earth, travelling at 38,000 miles per hour (.00005 light speed, 61,000 kms). At that speed it... 

From the Ashes – LulzSec Reborn

The disbanded hacking group Lulz Security has apparently risen from the ashes and like all newborns has a new name, LulzSec Reborn. The newly formed hacking group has posted just over 8,000 usernames and passwords on Paste-Bin, hacked from Tweet-Gif, a third party Twitter application that allows you to share animated gifs. The usernames and passwords are dumped in a SQL build file, with the passwords still currently hashed. The file also includes user personal information such as their full name, location, Twitter image, and timestamp of the users... 

Anonymous Takes Down Virgin Media

he Virgin Media Website was the subject of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack on Tuesday. As a precaution the company took the site offline. The Anonymous Twitter accounts report that the attack was a response to Virgin Media being the first large ISP to block access to the Pirate Bay Website, as required by the High Court ruling handed down last month. Pirate Bay, via their Facebook page, states that they do not support the Anonymous activity and had placed the following comment “We’d like to be clear about our view on this:... 

FBI Emails and Passwords Leaked by Anonymous Hacker!

An Anonymous Hacker hacker calling himself CyberZeist, today released over 280 FBI related email addressed and passwords, apparently hacked via a spear phishing attack. CyberZeist, previously a member of the hacking group UGNazis states that this release is a small portion of a much larger release. Spear Phising relies on the weakest link in IT security, humans. It starts by getting a single email address and sending a targeted email designed to get the user to respond. In this case it looks like a targeted user responded to an email request to... 

Russian Hacker Charged in New York

Russian hacker Petr Murmylyuk, also known as Dmitry Tokar was charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, unauthorized access to computers, and securities fraud. Murmylyuk is accused of being part of a ring that gained access to brokerage accounts from ETrade, Schweb, Scottrade and a number of other online brokerage firms. The ring, once they had access to the accounts would change the account contact details to email addresses and telephone numbers that routed to the hackers. Rather than change the bank details of the accounts, which would have... 

Splunk Splurges on IPO

Splunk (SPLK), the network analysis tool provider splurged forward on its IPO. The San Fran based company sold shares at $17 apiece, raising $229. 5 million; valuing the company at $1.57 billion. On April 16, Splunk increased the proposed price range for its IPO to $11 to $13 apiece, from a prior target of $8 Kaspersky to $10. The shares have continued to rise throughout the day, ending on its high at over a 108% increase on the day, at $35.48, leaving the current valuation at over $3 billion. A significant premium over one of its key competitor’s... 

Anonymous Attack GCHQ and Home Office

Last Saturday the Home Office website was attacked by Anonymous, via a Denial of Service Attack (DDOS). At the time Anonymous stated via their Twitter feed that the attacks would continue every Saturday, until further notice. So what happen this Saturday? The Home Office Website has been up most of the day and responding to requests within normal tolerances, however it did go offline for around five-ten minutes for short periods of time throughout the day. It is now up and running, and responding as per normal. The anonymous Twitter feed, @YourAnonNews... 
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