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GDPR – You have got 100,000 Endpoints and 72 hrs to Find, Quantify, Remediate and Report on a Breach!

Things are about to get interesting in Security Operation Centers around the world, GDPR is going to hit like a bunch of bricks. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also known as EU Regulation 2016/679 is about to become “enforceable” on May 25th 2018. It requires that EU member states standardise on data protection rules, with the founding principle that data is inherently owned by the resident/citizen that the data references, meaning that organisations are essentially custodians of their end users data. Just like when you... 

Why BitCoin And Other Craptocurrencies Can Never Be Viable

BitCoin is down 25%, not in the last year, or last month or even the last week, today, today it is down 25%, in one day! Is this the end of the ponzi scam that is cryptocurrencies? Probably not, some suckers that had not previously brought at $10,000USD will think this is a great time to get in to the market and we will see the typical dead cat bounce, before the ultimate fall to zero. It is a global phenomenon, I had my sister in Australia, who knows nothing about cryptocurrencies, and only uses the Internet to Skype, email and Youtube ask me... 

Dubai takes a step back in to the Internet dark ages with Skype ban.

Both Etisalat and Du telecom, the two providers of telecoms communication within the UAE have blocked the use of Skype and other VoIP software. Users report that pretty much all VoIP technology has been blocked, including Discord, TeamSpeak, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Whatsapp. As WebEx and Zoom meetings also use VoIP, one would assume these are also illegal under the ban. Etisalat responded to the blocks with the following comment “The access to the Skype App is blocked since it is providing unlicensed Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)... 

Why do I only get 300-400 Mbit/s on my 1000 Mbit/s network?

I recently upgraded my broadband internet to 1gb with Hyperopic, and it is fast, not 1GB fast but constantly over 800GB both download and upload. I run a few websites and a mail server from my house, so fast uploads were critical to me. But, just recently I have been getting 300MB instead of the normal 800GB that i would get from my Laptop, what’s going on? It was consistent, just over the 300MB rate each and everytime. I thought firewall, anti-virus update, network card driver, Windows updates, I checked them all, nothing could explain it. I... 

Cyber Security Conference – cyph3r

As a cyber security guy I always start the year looking at what security conference are coming up in the next 12 months, just so I can plan my itinerary. You always get the SANS events which are always good quality, especially their training sessions, although they can be a tad expensive. You also get the specialist events, those focused on encryption, those focused on regional forums and more recently those focused on Crypto-currencies like BitCoin or DodgeCoin, which, if you are interested in those fields that’s great, but not of an interest... 

Shut Up and Take My Money : Hoverboard!

I want one so bad. I would be a god at Comic Con with my Green Goblin Suit!  Read More »

The Best Longboards on the Market

Longboards are awesome, from speeding down hills at 40 miles an hour, cruising around town or pulling of some cool tricks, you going to have a good time with a longboard. Check out these guys. So what are the best, well it depends on what your plans are, a cruising longboard is a different setup than a “go bat of hell down a hill” board. Below ware the best I have found, either because I have owned them myself or my friends have owned them. Need for Speed In the video above the guys are running on a Acid Addict board with Aera Trucks,... 

Tesla Gets Hacked

Earlier today both the Tesla Motors Website and Twitter account was hacked, followed closely by Elon Musk’s Twitter account. The hackers tweeted that if you were to follow two Twitter accounts that you would get a free Tesla car. The hacked website had a notice that claimed to be hacked by Twitter user’s by the name of rootwrox and chf060. While the @chF060 account has been silent on the matter, @rootworx has responded to say he was not involved and believes it is a “16yr old script kiddie based out of Finland” is responsible... 

Sony Gets a Lesson from North Korea Supreme Leader

Beware, humor at large, if you watch this there is significant risk of uncontrolled laughter at the expense of both North Korea and Sony.  Read More »

Reviewed : Hacking – The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition

I have previously written an article on the “Best Books to Learn Hacking“, one book I did not review at the time, but was subsequently recommended to me by one of our Pen Test gurus was “Hacking – The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition”, by Jon Erickson. This book is a winner. The CD included a complete Linux programming and debugging environment, which I could have really used when I was first starting out. I even stole some of their ideas and implementations for my current sandbox. There are plenty of code and examples... 
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