Reviewed : Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Tablet


Apr 22nd

Kindle Fire HDX 7

The Kindle Fire HDX is a move away from the traditional Kindle, its a tablet rather than an e-reader. The resolution is 1920 x 1200, which is what you would typically get on a normal PC monitor and even better than a lot of the televisions out-there, AND its HD, High Definition, with a screen that will adjust depending on the amount of sunlight around, a feature ported from the original Kindle.

The processor is a fast 2.2 GHz quad-core processor, which again is what you would find in a low end laptop, but it packs a small 2GB of RAM. Now-a-days by the time you open up a few tabs in your browser you will be pushing 1GB of RAM. Of course the Kindle operating system (FireOS) does not take up to much resources, so the RAM feels ok, and I certainly didn’t run short while doing normal tablet tasks, including video streaming.

Speaking of video, this was brilliant! I honestly believe that the HD movie I watched on the Kindle had a better picture than was displayed on my $2000 55″ Samsung TV. I streamed, Twitch, Youtube and Sky, with no hesitation at all. I have good internet, so should never buffer, assuming the video card can keep up, and the Kindle did, with flying colours (see what I did there?).

They had tech support önline 24/7, for me, not a selling point, but I could see how Grandma might find it useful. I am not sure what you would need tech support for? Completing a standard task? If that’s the case then why not just have some standard videos of those standard tasks? I am not sure this adds a heap of value to the experience, but it is included, so no skin of my nose.

The camera, hmm I am not so sure, yes its HD, but it is not full HD, only 720p HD. Now let’s be honest, a few years ago you would pay through the nose for full HD camera, but now every smart phone and tablet our there has it, cept Kindle. It is not the end of the world, truth be told, most people would never be able to tell the difference, I just feel that full HD is now standard, so why not? If the camera is an issue you might want to look at the Kindle HDX8.9 which comes with a 8 MP rear-facing camera, which is more than enough for the non professionals.

Kindle Fire HDX 7-1

What was cool is that it comes with 4G, that’s on top of the Wireless, so when when out and about I still found the Kindle as useful as using it at home and it was fast. Both the Wifi and 4G performed fantastically, downloading at the max speed of my broadband, so very seamless when it actively switched between the two.

The other feature I really liked was the Audio, it comes with Dolby Audio, dual speakers AND a built in mic. I was able to video Skype Grandma, on the WiFi and 4G, with out any extra attachments. A winner!

Reading text or books? Well, it is not much different than reading on any tablet, certainly not as relaxing as reading on the original Kindle eReader, which is what the Kindle is suppose to be about, right? If you want a Kindle for reading books on the beach or on the move, stick with the Kindle eReader. You will get much better battery life also. You can buy one here.

I am not sure there are huge advantages having your own operating system, why not just throw Android on there? It would help smart phone users pick up and use the device seamlessly, but I guess if you want to differentiate yourself it does not hurt, as long as it is intuitive, which I found it was and of course if you didn’t then you had the 24/7 “Mayday” help to find the solution for you.

Look, for the price, you are not going to find much better, less than $200 bucks, its a bargain. <a href="”>You can buy one here.

If you have more to spend then maybe look at the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5-Inch Tablet, which is my personal favorite, which does come with Android and all of the Apps you know and love. You can buy one here.


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