Fishbit Gadget Gives a Helping Hand to All Aquarium Owners


Apr 25th

Aquarium with fish is aesthetically pleasing to the owner and has calming effect. People, who have problems with stress, high blood pressure, insomnia and many other diseases, can have use of caring for fish. Unfortunately, most beginners, in order to have an aquarium they saw at their friend’s house or on television, skip some of the steps and usually make some mistakes. We would like to advice beginners to gather information and to be patient; that will spare you of unnecessary disappointment.

Equipment for aquariums can be expensive, and in order to help beginners choose things like battery aquarium heaters, we advise not to skimp and to buy quality equipment. Also choose a large and powerful filter.

People usually have often wondered why a goldfish can live in an aquarium or a jar of pickles. What is the difference between an aquarium without all that equipment and these other, more expensive aquariums with all the equipment in the world? The answer is simple. Goldfish are cold-blooded animals. That means that the temperature of their body depends on the temperature of the environment. In natural habitats, temperature changes depending on the season or time of a day. Changes in temperature are sudden, and fish can mostly adapt without trouble. When it comes to goldfish, you will not need a heater, and you will have no problems because goldfish can adapt to room temperature, and goldfish ca live in an aquarium without a heater.

On the other hand, tropical aquarium fish cannot survive without heaters and other accessories in the aquarium. Tropical fish, require heat, as much as possible, to simulate their natural environment.

How do we choose the strength of battery aquarium heaters for our aquarium? The rule goes like this: Minimum heater power 1W per liter of water. Therefore, power heater for an aquarium of 120 liters shall not be less than 120 W, and it is desirable to be much stronger. When you clean, the aquarium, be careful not to break the heater.

Once you have chosen what type of heater you need for your aquarium, it is very important that you always make sure that the glass portion of the heater is below water level. Otherwise, it could overheat, and crack. When cleaning the tank, before you take the heater out of the tank, turn it off and let it cool. Turn off the heater, after putting it in the water for about 15 minutes. Why is this so? You need to adjust the water temperature. After that, you need to include a power supply. That is something you will have to do if you do not have a battery aquarium heater, which, of course, does not require the electricity.

Some types of aquarium fish sometimes prefer to rest in the heater. It is dangerous because fish get sunburn, but can also die. To prevent this, protect your heaters with a net or some plastic pipe.

Once you have all the knots tied, so to speak, all there is left for you is to enjoy the view. However, having fish tanks can sometimes be whether hectic experience. Fish get sick easily, and many times there is not much you can do, well until now. Meet the new gadget called the FishBit.

This device is basically an aquarium controller which monitors and controls your fish tank when you are not nearby. This device has a different approach to monitoring fish tanks by combining many important sensor into one module which lies in your tank and is powered wirelessly through the glass of your fish tank.

The device includes an 8-plug outlet, and this switchable outlet is programmable, and can be used as a controller for some other equipment such as lights, pumps or heaters. The accompanying app communicates with the fish tank’s owner and provides information on ammonia levels and pH, salinity and temperature. The flood sensor will give you the info regarding the water level, it will tell if the water level is too high.

This great gadget will help you to have a healthy ecosystem and to maintain your fish healthily as long as possible. This is not the first device which monitors the conditions of the water of your fish tank, but it is the first one that can actually be connected to your smart device. The device is very much welcome and long awaited. All the fish lovers will be able to take better care for their dear fish, without being afraid of losing them because of bad water conditions.

If you ever thought of owning a fish tank but was too afraid of the outcome, this is your chance. FishBit gadget has more and more happy customers, and they tend to increase by each new day.

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