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Small Custom AI Models: A Promising New Technology

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and one of the most exciting recent developments is the rise of small custom AI models. These models are smaller and more efficient than traditional AI models, and they offer a number of benefits, including: Lower cost: Small custom AI models are significantly cheaper to train than traditional AI models. This is because they require less data and compute resources. Improved privacy: Small custom AI models can be trained on data that is stored locally, which means that there is no need... 

Two Lawyers Sanctioned for Citing Fake Cases Created by AI Chatbot

In a landmark decision, a New York judge has sanctioned two lawyers for citing fake cases that were created by the AI chatbot ChatGPT. The lawyers, Peter LoDuca and Steven Schwartz, had asked ChatGPT for examples of past cases to include in their legal filings, and the bot just made up some previous proceedings. The lawyers then slotted those made-up cases into their legal filings and submitted them to the court. The judge, Kevin Castel, found that the lawyers had “abandoned their responsibilities” and had “acted in bad faith”... 

Bitcoin Users are Killing the Planet

University of New Mexico researchers find Bitcoin mining is environmentally unsustainable and are comparable to energy-intensive products such as crude oil, natural gas, and beef. If Bitcoin were to be adopted at a global scale for payments the destruction to the environment would be worse than all of the historic crude oil being used in combustion engines. Worse, is that fanboys of Bitcoin are using a common tactic deployed by global enterprises to cover their bad environmental behavior, by suggesting they are improving sustainability over time.... 

India’s IT Reputation Being Ruined By Scammers!

It seems Indian IT staff are using their IT and language skills to rip off people in western nations. India once heralded as the the saviour to large corporations across the globe as the place for cost reduction when it came to Information Technology staff, now has a reputation problem with those trained up IT folk now turning to the dark side and running scams to steal money from individuals across the globe. Don’t get me wrong, they are certainly not the first nation to have problems with scammers, the Eastern Europeans have been at... 

The Death of League of Legends, a Fallen Hero.

It is with great sorrow that today we can announce the death of a fallen hero, League of Legends, 2009-2018 RIP. In reality of course it is still on life support, still running LCS tournaments, still pulling in the odd viewers and still pulling in some players. But things have changed from the heights of season five, when the League of Legends world finals pulled in over 43 million viewers, with over 15 million concurrent viewers. Compare this to the current LCS summer split viewership where this weekend they struggled to pull in 60,000 viewers. Or... 

Good Guys Cloudflare Offer Up Privacy-First DNS

Back in 2014 Cloudflare announced they would offer Universal SSL to all of their customers websites, even the freebie customers, essentially doubling the size of the encrypted web overnight. This also prompted other large platforms to follow suit, resulting in even deeper encryption penetration. Today they have gone one step further in enhancing online privacy by creating Privacy-First DNS. Essentially they will offer to resolve DNS queries, supporting both https or TLS to ensure security, and commit not to write any transaction logs to disk,... 

North Korean Hackers Turned Cheap Laborers

Despite the many reports and examples of how backwards and behind the current Kim regime in North Korea is, people still love to have this idea that the government secretly has an army of elite hackers with the best gear, hacking all sorts of top-secret country secrets, stealing millions from banks and living a sort of high life. Well, surprise, surprise but it seems as if reality is completely the opposite of what many people seem to want to think. According to North Korean hackers that were sent outside of the country to China to hack away and... 

Hackers Hijack Over 4,000 Websites to Mine Cryptocurrency

As the value of craptocurrency continues to plummet by the day, you might see that the cryptocrazies that invested in this bubble seem to be a bit upset recently. After seeing the rise to the top in the main cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple and Ethereum – unwise suckers ran to their banks to put their life savings and wellbeing into something that is totally stable. But surprise, surprise these so called “investors” are out of money and are out of more by the day. So everyone that has a large part of craptocurrency... 

The Rundown on Why Twitch’s New Policy and Guideline Changes Suck

Live streaming giant, Twitch has recently updated their community guidelines within this last week and they have done it in an ever so bold manner. The changes have been publicly released on their blog and the reactions within the last few days haven’t been so mixed – they have been completely one sided. In a bad way. Twitch begins by saying “Today, we’re sharing an update to our Community Guidelines. This is just the first of many improvements coming to the policies, moderation processes, and safety features on Twitch.”... 

Russian Propaganda Spreads on Twitter

Hundreds of propaganda videos of Russia had views in the millions on Twitter’s other video based service, Vine for many months after it was well known that it was submitted by a troll Russian propaganda group. Russians have always tried to deluge their way into American politics, and this new uncovered story may just be what we need to start thinking about Twitter’s effort to find and pursue such propaganda content and how well they’ve been doing. CNN had to be the ones to bring it to Twitter’s attention themselves, before... 
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