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SonaVault Email Archiving Software Review & Ratings

Nowadays business communication is pretty much exclusively via email, I mean who uses a phone, or Skype or heaven forbid a fax? pretty much no one. In fact the last survey on business communication came down at over 90% of business communication is done via email, the phone was a distant second with less than 5% and WebEx or Webinars coming in third at 3%. So protecting your email is a pretty critical function in this day and age, especially when content is likely to be highly sensitive, valuable or just business critical. With that in mind regular... 

Best Books to Learn Android Programming

For those that have followed a few of my articles you will know I am in the midst of relearning a bunch of programming. I have many years experience programming in .NET technologies and am considered pretty skilled in C#. But here is the kicker, everyone wants Java programmers and Android programmers. Hence, my drive to re-skill in these languages. I have spent the last 18 months learning Java, and have done well, I would rate myself as competent to good. Now it’s Android’s time to shine. When learning Java I found the best book was... 

Best Books to Learn Malware Analysis & Intrusion Detection

I currently work for Trend Micro, one of the top three Anti-Virus vendors in the market. In fact in Japan we have something like 70% market share and are also by far the favourite AV product in Germany and Iceland. We fight with McAfee and Symantec for the top positions around the rest of the globe. My background has always been security, but previously it was Security Information and Event Management, known as SIEM, and Security Configuration Management, not so much Malware and Trojans. So, I had to get up to speed. I did do an internal course... 

Best Book To Prepare For 70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Exam

I have recently had to study for the Microsoft Exam 70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012. I have been an MCSE since the NT 4.0 days and have always kept my certification up-to-date, including passing the notoriously difficult Windows 2000 Upgrade exam, which you got to sit once and either passed or failed. While taking courses in not a bad idea, it has never really been for me, I would rather get a good book or two and self study for the exam. My company is always happy to pay out for a few books, as it is a lot cheaper than... 

Best Books to Learn SAS

I learnt SAS many years back, and was always impressed with the technology, unfortunately I got pulled sideways in to security and have spent the last five years on a huge enterprise security project to secure some critical national infrastructure in a growing Middle Eastern country. However I am now back in the USA and won a nice little nine month business intelligence project using my old favourite technology SAS. I figured I would get some updated training, but it was way expensive, so I went down the good book route. In total I brought five... 

The Four Best Books to Learn Java

I have been a programmer for going on twenty years. I started with Basic, Fortran and a bit of Small Talk. Mixed in there were the more popular C and C++. Over the years I have kept up my knowledge learning C# and Visual Basic, pretty much be programming in Visual Studio for about the last decade or so. However recently I had to learn Java for a big contract I was working on. The good news? It is not dissimilar to C and the other C derivatives languages, if you have programmed in one of these languages you are on good footing to learn Java.... 

The Ten Best Books on Hacking

I have been a hacker going on two decades, and never been in trouble with the man. Well that is not completely true, the one and only time I was caught was at University. It was my last year, and I had the hot’s for a girl, she was gorgeous, so much so that she turned the eye of a visiting American student, he was clearly trying to get in her pants. I was convinced he was trying to chat her up, via a new technology called electronic mail. So one night, two in the morning, I came to the only conclusion that a green eyed man would come to, I had... 

Best Windows Server 2012 Books

The reality is that servers drive the Internet, as well as most corporate networks. The two big players in the server operating system space are Microsoft and Linux. Yes Google is taking over how user connect to the internet, with mobile devices, phones and pads, out selling desktops in the last three months of 2012. Even at Seczine.com we are seeing a significant growth in users connecting from non desktop devices, with the current balance around 50/50. But they all still connect back to a server running web applications, such as web servers,... 

Top Free Internet Security Tools

Obviously the old adage, you get what you pay for is just as relevant on the Web as it is offline. However there are always exceptions to the rule, and software developed by the community, or by Enterprises that give you a free taste of their full version, hoping you will one day upgrade are an example of one of those exceptions. There are many commercial antivirus products out there, and most are worth paying for, our favorite is Trend Micro Titanium Large organisations do not usually install freeware or open source, as they struggle to get the... 

CYSEC Free Anti-Virus Review

CYSEC AV I have been a fan of the CYSEC Cyber Security related videos for a while, visiting their website on and off for the last couple of years. In 2011 they released a Free Anti-Virus, which being version one of the product I wasn’t expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t, at the time, the best free AV on the market, it still needed some work. But over the last 24 months they have completed a number of updates and the product is GREAT! We tested it against AVAST and AVG which are another two free AV products to see... 
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