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AWS Relational Databases are a Game Changer

Let’s be honest, databases are a pain in the butt. First you need to install them on a Server, which needs to be managed, patched and secured, then you need to install the database, that needs to be managed, patched, secured, backed up and restored. The amount of clients I have worked for over the years that have been brought to their knees with the management of their databases estate is countless. The industry standard is to estimate the yearly cost of managing a database for your application is 2.5 times the development cost. So if your... 

“Next-Gen AV” Gets Owned by Security Researcher.

It seems the so called “Next-Gen AV” companies can be a little sensitive. A security researcher and red teamer, Curtis Brazzell, was practicing his skills against one of these so called next-gen Anti-Virus products, trying to bypass their built in protections to either shut down the AV service or stop it from being useful. After popping a shell on the box he wanted to use what tools he had available to him locally to bypass the protections. Running as Admin he was unsuccessful in stopping the service, so elevated his privileges to... 

iBoot Source Code Leaked onto GitHub

iBoot is the name of an Apple firmware that is present in iDevices such as iPhones and any other iOS operated devices and the confidential source code has recently found itself publish onto someone’s public GitHub repository. The code is an extremely top secret, closed, proprietary, copyrighted and confidential to Apple – however apparently the dear gents on Reddit have been sliding it inbetween each other whom are probably in the cybersecurity industry or just those interested in using it for the likes of jailbreaking for at least,... 

Huge NSA-exploit born botnet turns to mining cryptocurrency

Cyber hackers are coming up with more and more cryptocurrency mining malware and someone has spread their malware using the EternalBlue exploit which was developed by the infamous NSA (this is the same exploit method used to spread the WannaCry ransomware attack that occurred months ago). Over half a million Windows computers have now been forced to mine the virtual currency and is probably going to end up being very profitable for the cyber criminal. It’s almost as if that majority of people benefiting from this cryptocurrency bubble is... 

Pirate Bay Flooded with Hackers Trying to Hack You

Skull Skeleton Flag Pirates Symbol Pirate Ship The Pirate Bay is one of the biggest torrent sites for piraters of all kinds to gather and share their torrents from games, to movies, to cracked programs and more. The Pirate Bay has always had discussions about the legality of copy right and certain viewpoints of file sharing and more recently has become a platform for an anti-copyright political initiative. After being chased aruond with several domain shutdowns and countless seizures, they are still running in 2018. Now while all The Pirate bay... 

China Caught Red Handed Spying on African Union!

After reports out of Africa on how the Chinese government had been spying on the African Union’s headquarters based within Addis Abada had spread, China has responded by calling the report “preposterous” and “very difficult to understand” all while strongly dismissing the “absurd” report. All of this was brought to surface before the 2018 AU Summit, a twice yearly meeting which was being held within the AU headquarters built by the Chinese as a “gift” to their “Friends of Africa”... 

Online Pharmacy & NFL Jersey Scams Pollute the Internet

We were hacked! We do an audit of seczine.com every now and then, obviously not often enough based on what we found. Essentially a year ago, Feb 2017, there was a version of WordPress that allowed the bad guys to edit your posts remotely, we updated our site a few weeks after the fix was made widely available, our bad. In the meantime the bad guys had been busy, a huge number of our web pages were updated, we caught the obvious stuff pretty quickly because it was script kiddies defacing entire webpages, so the impact was very noticeable. We were... 

Anonymous Operation Golden Eagle

A group from the hacker collective of Anonymous have today announced one of their leaders and author of the book DARK OPS: AN ANONYMOUS STORY, CommanderX has asked for asylum in Mexico after making a land crossing from Canada through the US, under the Anonymous named Operation Golden Eagle. Operation Golden Eagle had been an ongoing campaign launched in September 2017, but according to members the original plan was first talked about as far back as August 2015. The operation was announced on October 23rd via their Twitter account OpGoldenEagle... 

Global Hack Attack Only Makes $16k, It Makes You WannaCry!

Yesterday’s global WannaCry Ransomware attack made it’s authors a grand total of $16800, a total of 46 victims paying up the required $300 for unencrypting their data. Transactions can be monitored via the Bitcoin accounts that hackers wanted payments sent to. There were three bitcoin accounts associated with the hack: https://blockchain.info/address/12t9YDPgwueZ9NyMgw519p7AA8isjr6SMw https://blockchain.info/address/13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 https://blockchain.info/address/115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn The attack was accidentally... 

How My Bank Got Hacked!

I work for a US bank in their security operations team, a couple of years ago we got hacked. This is my story I how we got hacked, how we tracked down the breach, what we did wrong, what we did right and the lessons learnt. I got the call on an early summer morning I was still asleep when all hell broke loose, we had been hacked, we had lost millions of our users personal identification details, including emails, addresses and phone numbers. As we would find out later our users would be targeted in penny stock pump and dump scams, targeted emails... 
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