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Nvidia Share Price Gets Crushed as Bitcoin Heads Towards Zero

Nvidia share price has been crushed in the last five trading days, down a total of 15%. After hitting an all time high of $248 dollars on Jan 31st, it is now down to $213. Nvidia has been a stock pickers darling for the last few years as it GPU cards have been a critical component to mine Cryptocurrency. Gamers from around the globe have complained that they were unable to get their hands on the most powerful graphics cards as cryptominers around the globe sucked up all free stock. The Nvidia QUADRO GP100, which has over 3500 CUDA cores, with... 

Best Laptops for Cyber Security

Being in Cyber Security for 20 years, before it was all the rage, I often get asked, what is the best laptop for cyber security, you know, the one that is less likely to get hacked? You want to be able to do online banking, or store your Cryptocoins without the worry of it getting hacked and someone stealing all your dosh. There is a pretty simple answer, Linux Laptops or MAC. Here is the reason I say that, there just isn’t much malware out there for Linux or MAC, don’t get me wrong, it exists, but it is very difficult to get infected.... 

Styling It – Vintage Electric Bike!

Electric is the future, electric cars, electric buses and now some cool electric bicycles. If we want to save the planet when need to embrace electric, and an easy way to do that today is to buy an electric bike, they are eco friendly and great fun. When evaluating what we should be looking for when purchasing an electric bike there are three things that are important, range, wattage and looks! For range you want to go with a bike that can go at least 20 miles (35kms) in between charges, remember that is a round trip, so 10 miles there and 10... 

Online Pharmacy & NFL Jersey Scams Pollute the Internet

We were hacked! We do an audit of seczine.com every now and then, obviously not often enough based on what we found. Essentially a year ago, Feb 2017, there was a version of WordPress that allowed the bad guys to edit your posts remotely, we updated our site a few weeks after the fix was made widely available, our bad. In the meantime the bad guys had been busy, a huge number of our web pages were updated, we caught the obvious stuff pretty quickly because it was script kiddies defacing entire webpages, so the impact was very noticeable. We were... 

Anonymous Operation Golden Eagle

A group from the hacker collective of Anonymous have today announced one of their leaders and author of the book DARK OPS: AN ANONYMOUS STORY, CommanderX has asked for asylum in Mexico after making a land crossing from Canada through the US, under the Anonymous named Operation Golden Eagle. Operation Golden Eagle had been an ongoing campaign launched in September 2017, but according to members the original plan was first talked about as far back as August 2015. The operation was announced on October 23rd via their Twitter account OpGoldenEagle... 

Bitcoin Plunges 29% in Two Days!

Bitcoin peaked at $2779 on Thursday, in less than two days it hit a low of $1973, thats a loss for “investors” (read gamblers) of over 29%. If a real currency was to plunge 29% in two days people would assume the country that issued the currency was going bankrupt, or had just been invaded by a Trump lead army, or some other massive upheaval. But thats the point Bitcoin is not a real currency, issued and backed up by a country’s government and revenue (read taxes), or backed up by some other intrinsic value, like directly linked... 

Global Hack Attack Only Makes $16k, It Makes You WannaCry!

Yesterday’s global WannaCry Ransomware attack made it’s authors a grand total of $16800, a total of 46 victims paying up the required $300 for unencrypting their data. Transactions can be monitored via the Bitcoin accounts that hackers wanted payments sent to. There were three bitcoin accounts associated with the hack: https://blockchain.info/address/12t9YDPgwueZ9NyMgw519p7AA8isjr6SMw https://blockchain.info/address/13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 https://blockchain.info/address/115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn The attack was accidentally... 

Best Laptops For Cyber Security Students in 2018

Having taught a number of Cyber Security classes in the past year I often get asked what equipment cyber security students need to be successful. Fortunately there is a simple answer, you need Internet access, and a decent laptop. You are not going to get very far as a student with out the Internet, especially when learning about cutting edge technology or techniques in cyber security. Laptop’s however are slightly more complicated, there are many different types of laptops, with different configurations, different RAM, CPU hard disks etc... 

Yahoo Loses 500 Million, MILLION User Account Details!

Bob Lord, CISO over at Yahoo has confirmed the company was hacked and the perpetrators got away with account information for half a billion users. From what is likely to be one of the largest hacks of all time Bob’s statement casually drops in the following “investigation has found no evidence that the state-sponsored actor is currently in Yahoo’s network” That’s right according to Bob, they were attacked by a NATION STATE! No if’s no but’s, the state-sponsored actor is no longer in their network. It is unusual... 

Setup Twitch Streaming in Ten Minutes!

So you want to stream? Well you are not alone, tonnes of people are getting in on the game and loving every moment on it. To stream you are going to need sort out some stuff, some hardware (computer, microphone and webcam as a basic), an internet connection (maybe better than the one you are on now) and some software (actually the easiest part). In this article we will cover everything you need to know and do to get you up an streaming, in less than ten minutes if you have sorted out the basics. Let’s start with those basics. You need an internet... 
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