Microsoft’s New Tablet is Pretty


Jun 20th

Microsoft has announced a new tablet, they are stealing the name from their other product the Surface, which was previously a large table top touch screen.

Don’t tell anybody, but the new Surface tablet is downright pretty. Check out the video below, which currently has over 1.8million views on YouTube.

A unique feature is the ability to “flip out” a stand, so that it gets some support when sitting on the table. It comes with a detachable, super thin keyboard , which will come in different colours to allow you to customise your version of the Surface, however weirdly the actual Surface comes only in a single colour, black.

The keyboard connects via a nifty snap on feature, which was surprising refreshing and the default keyboard employs a sensing keyboard with flat keys, rather than traditional raised keys. You do get the option of a “typed” cover which has the more traditional raised keys on the keyboard. Both keyboards come with a touch pad.

It is a wide screen, especially compared to the more boxy iPad and comes in at 10.6inches. More importantly comes with a USB slot, and a HDMI output.

There will be two versions, the Surface RT and the Surface Pro, a cheap version and not so cheap version. The Achilles heel in both versions could be the software. Neither version of the software looked next generation.

It will have the advantage of being standard software that user will be familiar with, but it looks boxy.

Release dates and prices have yet to be announced. We do know the RT version will be released 3 months ahead of the Pro version.

It looks pretty, no doubt, but I worry about the software, it really is not ground breaking. Buying the Surface would be like dating a hot girl, that’s just a little bit crazy, but maybe just the right side of the pretty/crazy ratio, so deep down you know you would. Credit where credit is due, Microsoft have done well.

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