Why do I only get 300-400 Mbit/s on my 1000 Mbit/s network?


Aug 29th

I recently upgraded my broadband internet to 1gb with Hyperopic, and it is fast, not 1GB fast but constantly over 800GB both download and upload. I run a few websites and a mail server from my house, so fast uploads were critical to me.

But, just recently I have been getting 300MB instead of the normal 800GB that i would get from my Laptop, what’s going on? It was consistent, just over the 300MB rate each and everytime. I thought firewall, anti-virus update, network card driver, Windows updates, I checked them all, nothing could explain it.

I was about to complain to Hyperopic, but thought I would try it from my Webserver rather than my laptop, both of which are plugged into the Hyperopic router directly. The web server got 800MB, hmmm.

Another couple of days troubleshooting and still no progress, I was stuck. Then it hit me, my Laptop does not have a built in network card, it uses a USB connected adapter. I had taken the laptop on the road so had everything unplugged, when I got home I plugged everything back in, but to different USB ports.

Of course, the network card ended up in a USB 2.0 slot rather than the USB 3.0 slot, and hence was limited to 300MB a second. A quick change of the ports and wala, back to normal speeds.

If you are getting only a fraction of the speed you are expecting and you use a USB network card, try a different port, simple, but only when you know what is going on.

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