Don’t Tweet About Justice


Jul 23rd

Kentucky teenager Savanna Dietrich faces jail time. Her crime? Being molested by two teenage boys at a party.

You see Savanna went to a party, where she clearly had too much partying and past out. According to Dietrich, after passing out, her attackers molested her, and they also allegedly videotaped the incident and shared it with their friends online.

The juvenile defendants were charged with first-degree sexual abuse and misdemeanor voyeurism, reports the Louisville Courier Journal. The teens pleaded guilty to those charges in late June and are due to be sentenced next month.

Dietrich and her family learnt of the plea bargain and recommended sentence just before it was announced in the closed court session and felt it was a slap on the wrist.

Neither Dietrich nor her attorneys said they could talk about the details of the plea agreement under the court order.

However Savanna took to Twitter to tweet her displeasure at her perception of the lightness of the sentence, and named the two defendants, risking breaching the court order not to disclose the defendants names.

The Louisville 17-year-old tweeted, “There you go, lock me up,” as she tweeted the boys names, “I’m not protecting anyone that made my life a living Hell.”

The attorneys for the boys have asked a Jefferson District Court judge to hold her in contempt because they say that in naming her attackers, she violated the confidentiality of a juvenile hearing and the court’s order not to speak of it.

A contempt charge carries a potential $500 fine and up to 180 days in jail.

It would be a sad day for justice if this young lady were to end up in jail, after being sexually assaulted by two boys who plead guilty, for naming and shaming the guilty parties.


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