he Virgin Media Website was the subject of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack on Tuesday. As a precaution the company took the site offline.
The Anonymous Twitter accounts report that the attack was a response to Virgin Media being the first large ISP to block access to the Pirate Bay Website, as required by the High Court ruling handed down last month.
Pirate Bay, via their Facebook page, states that they do not support the Anonymous activity and had placed the following comment “We’d like to be clear about our view on this: We do NOT encourage these actions. We believe in the open and free internets, where anyone can express their views. Even if we strongly disagree with them and even if they hate us. So don’t fight them using their ugly method.”
Not that ruling has been a fatal blow for Pirate Bay, in fact they report that since the “ban” they have signed up another 12 million users to their site.
Interestingly Virgin Media has a rather forward thinking attitude towards Pirate Bay stating at the time of the original judgement, “As a responsible ISP, Virgin Media complies with court orders addressed to the company but strongly believes that changing consumer behaviour to tackle copyright infringement also needs compelling legal alternatives”.

Anonymous Hackers
Anonymous has a history of attacking websites via DDoS attacks after rulings they don’t like the looks of. Last month they attacked the UK Home Office Website and continue to use the DDoS attacks as their primary method of striking out.
The Virgin Media site continues to be down today, and if the Anonymous attack follows previous trends it is likely to run through the weekend, after which it is likely Anonymous will get bored and move on.
You see that’s the problem with the Anonymous strategy, all they do is disrupt business, for a few days, while it is slightly embarrassing that the site are down, they do not have a huge impact on the business. It would be different if they were losing revenue because of the attack, but in the case of Virgin media and GCHQ that is not the case.