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From the Ashes – LulzSec Reborn

The disbanded hacking group Lulz Security has apparently risen from the ashes and like all newborns has a new name, LulzSec Reborn. The newly formed hacking group has posted just over 8,000 usernames and passwords on Paste-Bin, hacked from Tweet-Gif, a third party Twitter application that allows you to share animated gifs. The usernames and passwords are dumped in a SQL build file, with the passwords still currently hashed. The file also includes user personal information such as their full name, location, Twitter image, and timestamp of the users... 

Anonymous Dishes Out Some Justice

Hackers calming to be part of the Anonymous hacking group dumped over 1.7GB of data slurped from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics. The data seems to be a collection of data from databases and emails from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/), which is responsible for publishing national crime statistics. The dump is part of the Monday Mail Mayhem (#MondayMailMayhem or #MMM) operation that Anonymous has attempted to instigate for a few weeks, driving people to make it a regular Monday event. Presumably on a Monday to... 
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