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InfoSec Done For Another Year!

InfoSec is done for another year, always a huge IT Security event, not just for the UK but for Europe. As with every year there were some key themes running through the event. This year the big talking points were Advanced Persistent Threats, Cloud, BYOD and Encryption solutions. From my untrained eye the numbers seemed to be down from previous years, I attended all three days and by far Day 2 was the busiest. I was also scanned about 20 times as I went in and out of the venue across the 3 days, I did wonder how many times that would count as... 

The Best Games of 2012!

Video Games have had a great year! The top games have out sold every movie released this year solidifying their domination of the entertainment market. Games are no longer for the nerds of the world, but now have mass appeal. The “free to play” games have been killing it as have the social games, anchored by Facebook. But the online multiplayer games have crushed all that have come before them. So who were the winners of 2012? Below are the top twenty one! #21 – Nights in to Dreams Sega is back! Nightopia is a surreal world that you, as either,... 

What Are The Top Ten Antivirus Software?

Antivirus software is a critical component in PC and server protection, but which product provides the best virus protection? That’s a tough question, McAfee reports that there were 75,000 new Malware signatures detected in the first three months of 2012, and that they currently have over 80 million malware signatures in the their Antivirus database and it is likely to hit the 100 million mark this year. If you are getting 75k new malware signatures a day, the important part of any virus protection software is its ability to keep up to date... 

Microsoft’s New Tablet is Pretty

Microsoft has announced a new tablet, they are stealing the name from their other product the Surface, which was previously a large table top touch screen. Don’t tell anybody, but the new Surface tablet is downright pretty. Check out the video below, which currently has over 1.8million views on YouTube. A unique feature is the ability to “flip out” a stand, so that it gets some support when sitting on the table. It comes with a detachable, super thin keyboard , which will come in different colours to allow you to customise your version... 
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