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Fancy Network Access to a Fortune 500 Company?

How would you like access to a Fortune 500 company network, to you know, do whatever you like. Yeah? Okay, that will be USD$5. Dedicatexpress.com (now offline since the writing of this article) run by a bunch of Russian gentlemen offered access to corporate networks from across the globe via an RDP, (Remote Desktop) Connection. Essentially these chaps had scanned the internet for open ports on the 3389 TCP port number and brute forced the username and passwords. Every Windows box out there starts with a user called Administrator, once you know this... 

Plod Stops Chasing the Climategate Hackers

If you were responsible, rest easy my son, as the UK plod has shelved the investigation in to who hacked the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The Climategate attack released over 1000 emails messages and 3800 documents relating to global warming, or the lack of it. At the time of release the 160gb of data provided grim confirmation for critics of climate science. After a comprehensive analysis of the released data the allegations were three fold, that climate scientists controlled the publishing process... 

OWASP iGoat Project for iOS Developer

Security professional that focus on web application security will have heard of WebGoat. It is a project by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), which is designed to teach web application security to web developer. Inspired by this project, OWASP have release a similar learning tool for iOS (using in iPhone and iPad) developers called iGoat. The iGoat project aims to be a developer safe learning environment where the users can learn about the major security pitfalls as well as how to avoid them. Similar to WebGoat, the users are presented... 

NIST Guidelines for Mobile DevicesNIST Guidelines for Mobile Devices

This week, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has release the guidelines for managing and securing of mobile devices in the enterprise (Guidelines for Managing and Securing Mobile Devices in the Enterprise – SP 800-124 Revision 1). The purpose of this publication is to provide recommendation to help organizations centrally manage and secure their mobile devices against various threats. This document is intended for technical staffs such as security engineers and those who are responsible in planning, implementing and maintaining... 

Cloud Computing Security

Cloud computing has been one of the latest hype’s in the technological world today. It encompasses different technologies, models and platforms which allows for a more efficient computing by centralizing several resources. There are several advantages of cloud computing to companies compared to the conventional computing creating “thirst” for the cloud. The cloud introduces economies of scale to companies planning to invest in the technology. Virtualization on which the cloud relies on, efficiently utilizes available resources efficiently.... 

Give a Nigerian Prince a Hand?

I am barrister prince ugo a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr Martin,a national of your country, who used to work with shell development company in Nigeria and as well a one time secret agent in transferring of money overseas Before his death On the 21st of April 2007 {my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Badagry Express Road in which all occupants of the motor died}. My client deposited the sum of ($36 Million) in a one of our local Bank here in Nigeria for himself, with the hope of... 

Security Essentials

I have been in the IT Security industry for over dozen years, before Facebook was popular, before Amazon was popular and even before Google was popular. Over the years the definition of what is secure has changed. It use to be install an Anti-Virus product and you are good to go. But now days as the internet become a must have we need to understand what security is essential for a safe browsing environment and what we can live without. IT Security is different for the individual than it is for an enterprise, however a hacking script scanning the... 

It’s War! Cyber War!

What would a country do if another nation was to initiate a first strike against it, an attack against their critical infrastructure, for example, the country’s ports, or rail or airports? Surely as a minimum you would declare war against the striking nation? Well America, it seems, in conjunction with possibly Israel, have struck not once, not twice, but, if we believe what is in the press, three times against Iran’s critical national infrastructure. The first strike was Duqu, designed to collect information on Iranian nuclear infrastructure,... 

Unhackable Websites – The future?

Artemis , a San Francisco based Internet Security specialist organisation plans to secure the web. They have applied for .secure top level domain name via the ICANN TLD Process, in the hope to provide a secure part of the Internet. Alex Stamos, Artemis CTO, states, “We are creating a safe neighbourhood where you know people follow the rules and you can rely on them to do things securely” To be part of the .secure domain you will need to evidence that you have applied appropriate security controls to your web environment. The idea is, if you... 

You Are Under Attack!

In November 2011 at the Cyber Security Summit, Major General Jonathan Shaw stated that Government computer systems come under daily attack, I know this to be true, as, at the same conference I gave a seminar, titled: You are under attack!”. You would be surprised at how many organisations believe that hacking and cyber attacks are not relevant to them. What I can tell you is, if you have a connection to the internet, you are under attack, every single day, just like the government organisations. One of my favourite websites is Detect Defend,... 
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