

This website is run and owned by CYSEC. CYSEC is a IT Security and Risk Content experts, that provides Cyber Security Consulting, Development and Implementation. We specialise in security policy creation, security control implementation and penetration testing, on top of our unique security content business.

CYSEC provides Cyber Security experts on a contract basis to organisations to fill gaps within their security team. Our consultants are all senior information security professionals, with years of successful project implementations.

If you are concerned about your Risk Profile, CYSEC can help you implement controls that would allow to you quantify your Risk posture and reduce your attack surface. CYSEC has a well-defined risk methodology, equating you r Vulnerabilities, Threats and Counter Measures, that allows you to calculate your overall Risk.

Where we have identified gaps in Vulnerability Management or Counter Measure Implementation, CYSEC will define a stream of work that can be undertaken by your internal platform team or the CYSEC Professional Services team, to ensure your Risk posture remains with in a zone of comfort.

© 2006-2025 Security Enterprise Cloud magazine.